”HandelFresh’‘ is driven by a clear goal : to make the best Moroccan fruits and vegetables accessible to all. We not only emphasise quality, but also strive to provide the best personal service to our customers, our motto is ” A global company with personal touch” . By sourcing only from growers with a proven track record and stability are we able to give confidence in quality and efficient service.
Sales can be contracted over a fixed period with agreed quantities and pricing. HandelFresh promises transparency, honesty, and an enduring commitment to supporting local communities.
Produkty dedykowane do ręcznego i automatycznego pakowania warzyw i owoców. Posiadamy duże doświadczenie w workach na roli jak i opakowaniach typu wicket.
Un goût puissant et une puissance constante pour une expérience de vape réellement satisfaisante
Nos puffs sont préremplies et possèdent un mécanisme activé par tirage. Vous pouvez commencer la vape à partir du moment ou vous tirez dessus. Pas besoin d’attendre une activation : C’est aussi simple que décrit. Le Air flow est ajustable et la puff dispose de leds RGB les rendants uniques et reconnaissable
Fabriqué en Pologne
Batterie : 850 mAh (intégrée et rechargeable)
Bouffées : environ 7000 bouffées 50VG/50PG
Alimenté par une batterie interne de 850 mAh et pouvant durer jusqu’à environ 7000 bouffées.
Nos modèles sont sans nicotine ( photos non contractuelles )
Le kit contient : 1 x kit rechargeable Aroma King Sour Apple Tornado 7000 puffs
L’arôme pomme est un incontournable des desserts et des boissons. Croquante et juteuse pour des boissons rappelant le fruit écrasé ou bien cuite et compotée, la pomme respire l’authenticité.
Vegan lard was prepared on the basis of chickpeas and buckwheat with the addition of apple and baked onion. It is 100% vegan and is perfect as an addition to all kinds of bread. It is rich in wholesome carbohydrates, fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals. The chopper, also known as chickpeas or Italian peas, is a real treasury of high nutritional protein. Its composition also includes large amounts of B vitamins, vitamin C, folic acid as well as dietary fiber and numerous minerals, such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium or zinc. The ingredients contained in chickpeas prevent constipation, regulate the rhythm of bowel movements and also reduce blood pressure and cholesterol. In the porridge we will find a lot of protein, which digits like proteins from legumes and fiber. Contains exogenous amino acids: lysine that improves calcium absorption that strengthens immunity and tryptophan necessary for serotonin production.
We offer retail packed products our brand Grino and also white label services to pack under clients brand, please contact us for more details and check our other products.
Chickpeas belong to the group of legumes. The taste of chickpeas is slightly sweet, with a discreet nutty flavor, delicate and creamy. Chickpeas are not yet as popular in Poland as they are in Eastern European countries.
Chickpeas are a plant that is an excellent source of protein, and also has a very large amount of amino acids necessary for the functioning of the body. Due to the fact that it has a large amount of nutritional value, it is very valuable for the entire body.
Find all our fruit and vegetable decorations via the following link:
Our decorations are made from very high-quality resin and are weather-resistant. If your decorations are intended for permanent outdoor use, we recommend applying an additional varnish.
Reference: FFH130052
Dimensions: 88 x 88 x 93 cm
Apples Royal Gala
Bright red colour rich in light red on a yellow based veining smooth and clean peel; truncated cone shape; small-medium sized; ideal as a snack; yellow-creamy pulp. The apple is crunchy and juicy with low acidity, sweet aroma. Crossed from the varieties Kidd’s Orange x Golden Delicious.
Harvest period: late September – early October.
Fruit colour: golden yellow color with red stripes
Taste: mildly sweet and vanilla-like, with a floral aroma, taste quality excellent.
Weight: 120-150 gr.
Uses: eat fresh, fruit salad, cooking
Transportability: very high
Storage: in cold storage – till March.
Freeze Dry, gıdaları ve bozulmaya yatkın malzemelerin süblimasyon ile kurutulmasıdır. Bu yöntemde gıdalar direkt olarak dondurulur ve içerisinde bulunan donmuş haldeki su buharlaştırılarak gıdadan uzaklaştırılır. Böylece kurutma işlemi gerçekleşmiş olur. Freeze Dry ile kurutma için izlenen adımlar şu şekildedir:
350 kg kapasiteli cihaz, gıdaları -40 °C seviyesine kadar soğutur ve tamamen donmasını sağlar. Sıcaklığın çok düşük olması, donma sırasında küçük buz kristalleri oluşmasına neden olur.
Dondurulan gıdalar vakum altına alınır ve böylece basınç düşürülür.
Düşük basınç sayesinde buz formundaki su direkt buharlaşır ve gıdadan uzaklaşır.
Gıdada kalan nem, nazik ısı uygulaması giderilir ve böylece kurutma işlemi tamamlanır.
Kurutma sonrasında gıdalar nem geçirmez ambalajlarda paketlenir. Böylece kaybedilen nemin yeniden gıda içerisinde birikmesi engellenir.
Turkey exports almost % 40 of quince production to 45 countries. Russia and Germany are the first two countries in the export market of Turkey. It is one of the most favorite winter fruits.
Our city Denizli is one of the main production areas about the production of Turkish quince. Quince grows in large areas and due to the climate, it has good production efficiency in Denizli.
Many fruits exporters and brokers make huge amounts of sales. We also export Turkish quince in big quantities.
Total production in the world is around 600 K tons. Turkey and after China, Uzbekistan produces 150 K tons. After these countries, Morocco and Iran come as the big producers. Some of the most popular categories are quince-lemon, Eşme, Golden.
Origin:Greece, Institute of Deciduous Trees
Tree:High vigor and side-branching behavior. Very productive with fast entry into production
Fruit:Medium to large size, round shape and yellow color. The taste improves with maturation
Maturation - Harvest:June 8-10
Robe jaune, blushée de rose orangé
Chair ferme, croquante et bien sucrée
D’octobre à juin
Pomme issue de l’agriculture raisonnée, cultivée en vergers écoresponsables et certifiée Haute Valeur Environnementale de niveau 3 (HVE3)
Fruit stocké en chambre froide, sans rupture de la chaine du froid
Nos conseils de conservation de préférence dans un endroit frais, aéré et à l’abri de la lumière
Idée recette
Les pancakes aux pommes et miel
Le gâteau invisible aux pommes
Une pomme bien sucrée, cultivée en HauteSavoie, dont la chair ferme et croquante est très agréable à croquer ou à cuisiner.
Sous sa robe jaune, blushée de rose orangé, se cache une chair ferme et croquante. Bien juteuse, le fruit est généralement délicieusement sucré et parfumé. Un peu verte, la pomme Pinkgold Leratess rafraîchit par son goût légèrement acidulé. La variété se croque à tout moment de la journée.
Listo para comer, completamente cocido, producto alimenticio PASTEURIZADO,
envasado y sellado herméticamente para mantener sus características de un producto culinario.
Disponible también en sabores: Quinoa y Plátano y Quinoa y Meloctón
Weißt Du noch früher? Als Du nach dem Toben auf dem Spielplatz mit den anderen Kindern völlig ausgehungert nach Hause gekommen bist und Oma schon mit ihrem weltbesten Apfelkuchen – am liebsten noch mit Streuseln und Pudding – auf Dich gewartet hat? Der Duft frisch gebackenen Kuchens lag schon in weiter Ferne in der Luft, das Wasser ist Dir bereits im Munde zusammengelaufen, weil Du den ersten Bissen gar nicht abwarten konntest: Saftig und lecker!
Damit jetzt gar nicht erst der Spruch “Früher war alles besser” kommt, stehen unsere Apple Cluster schon für Dich bereit. Schlag deswegen am besten sofort zu und kaufe leckere Kindheitserinnerungen ein.
Peking cabbage was popular in Europe only in the Asian quarters until the middle of the 20th century. But in the past few decades, she has been at the peak of culinary popularity, including in Russia. Its nutritional value and excellent taste are preserved in the dried product. It is from dried Beijing cabbage that a delicious Korean soup of siriag-cook is prepared, as well as national dishes Namul, Ttige, and Bale. Companions of dried Chinese cabbage, helping her to reach her full taste potential, are garlic and onions.
Use for
Soups, sauces, marinades, dishes meat, poultry and game dishes.
Piquant, sweetish
Nutrition value on 100 gr.
Proteins (g / 100g)… 26
Fats (g / 100g)… 3,5
Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 34
Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 270
Une tarte à pâte brisée de forme rectangulaire avec une garniture aux pommes. Mode d'emploi : SURGELÉ Faire frire dans l'huile chaude à 182°C pendant environ 6 minutes. En raison de la garniture très chaude, laissez reposer 10 à 15 minutes avant de servir.
Trocknung unter Einsatz einer schonenden Technologie
Ohne Zusatz von Fett, Zucker und Konservierungsstoffen
Tiefes Sortiment in Bio und konv. Qualität (Scheiben,Ringe,Würfel,Stifte)
Ursprung: CZE
Die Äpfel werden unter Einsatz einer schonenden Technologie ohne Zusatz von Zucker, Fett und Konservierungsstoffen getrocknet. Mit der modernsten Trocknungsanlage in Mitteleuropa werden knusprige Scheiben, Ringe, Würfel und andere Formen aus aromatischem und gesundem Obst hergestellt. Die Trockenäpfel sind sowohl zum direkten Verzehr, als auch zur Verarbeitung zu anderen Produkten hervorragend geeignet.